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“Fluid” is an LGBTQ short animated comedy series that follows Dave Davidson, a neurotic, sexually fluid self-saboteur who has terrible judgment when it comes to dating.

"The Orgy" (Pilot)

Animatic Storyboard

"The Crossing Guard"

Animatic Storyboard

Main Characters


Dave is an insecure bisexual who tries way too hard to win the affection of the man or woman he’s currently pursuing, constantly leading to schemes, farces, and situations in which he is in way over his head.



Granny Dave is Dave’s hot blooded nymphomaniac grandmother — and also his roommate. While she is Dave’s best friend and confidant, she’s also prone to throwing him under the bus if it suits her interest.



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Eli Bock

Eli Bock is an accomplished writer, animator, and animation director whose credits include being an animation director for MTV's "Great Party Story Ever," an animator for Syfy's "Magical Girl Friendship Squad," and an animator for Cartuna's "Human Kind Of" and "Loafy." Eli has also animated for Snapchat, Amazon, Facebook, and Comedy Central. His latest work includes an animated pilot from Ilana Glazer and Abbi Jacobson, which is currently in post-production.

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Co-creator Ian Nelson plays the lead role of "Dave." Ian has acted in over twenty television shows and blockbuster films including "The Hunger Games," "The Boy Next Door" with Jennifer Lopez, "The Judge" with Robert Downey Jr, MTV's "Teen Wolf," IFC's Comedy Bang! Bang!," and Peacock's comedy series show-run by Paul Reiser, "There's Johnny."  Ian is also the President of 4205 Productions, where he writes, directs, and produces commercials and music videos - including an upcoming music video for Oscar-nominated actress, Abigail Breslin.

Ian Nelson


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Nick Ricciardi

The Rookie, Obliterated (Netflix), Yellowstone

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Doug Locke

Shameless, Bones, House, Jane the Virgin, From Scratch (Netflix)

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Cassie Hernandez

Dollface, Awkward, Melissa & Joey Shameless, Victorious


Ana Mulvoy Ten

American Crime, Teen Wolf, House of Anubis,
The Old Man 

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Daniel Strauss

Curb Your Enthusiasm, There's Johnny, Bust Down (Peacock)


Karalynn Dunton

Runaways, Hamster & Gretel (Disney Channel), Viral Comedy Influencer

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Tony Moore

Days Of Our Lives: Beyond Salem (Peacock), LGBTQ Talk Show Host

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Nick Flaig

And Just Like That... (MAX),
Welcome to Chippendales (Hulu), American Horror Story

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Johnny Ferro

Casual (Hulu), Hand of God (Amazon), There's Johnny (Peacock) 

Scripts For Season 1

The Crossing Guard

The Lost Dog

The Painting

The Sugar Daddy

The Phobia Pt. 1

The Phobia Pt. 2

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